Classic Simple DIY Felt Mitten Pattern by nanaCompany

Back in 2013, I had to make quick treat bags for my son’s class and that’s how I came up with this simple DIY. I stuffed the mittens with Hershey’s kisses and it was so simple, but so satisfying.
>>> Click here to download the free PDF Felt Mitten Pattern
Just a few tips:
- If you don’t have an erasable ink pen (like a Frixion pen) you can copy the pattern onto freezer paper, if you have it. Press the freezer paper directly onto the felt and sew around the paper. I love freezer paper.
- Scalloped scissors for paper won’t work on felt or fabric. I like these fabric scalloped-edge scissors.
- Enlarge or reduce the pattern as needed. Enlarging just a little would create the perfect holder for a candy cane and gift card!
- Remember that with felt, stitching is not always necessary and a drop of glue could be just as effective and easier.
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